By Delia Ruelas.

As part of the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, the Baja California Women’s Institute (INMUJER BC) and the Rosarito City Council organized the “No to Violence” athletic race.

The 5-kilometer route ran along Benito Juárez Boulevard and a section of the beach, offering participants an adrenaline-filled morning of effort and camaraderie.

The race began and ended on Nogal Street in the Barbachano neighborhood, with the starting signal given at 8am Dozens of participants, ranging from recreational runners to elite athletes, gathered to take part in the event.

Mónica Vargas Núñez, director of INMUJER BC, highlighted that the race aimed to raise awareness about the importance of eradicating violence against women while promoting solidarity.

She emphasized the need to shed light on the issue and foster a collective commitment to building a society free of violence and discrimination toward women.

Mayor Rocío Adame also addressed the issue, pointing out that violence against women remains an often-overlooked problem.

“We often recognize violence only when a woman is physically harmed, but psychological and economic violence also exist and often go unnoticed by many women,” she said.

The event included a health module set up by the Baja California Secretariat of Health, which offered preventive information on various topics related to women’s well-being.

All participants received medals in recognition of their effort and support for the cause.

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