takes music to the streets

By Gerardo Díaz

When his grandfather Celestino gave him the cello, it was a very special gift that literally changed his life, says Hugo Leobardo “Bardo del Cello” Velázquez, who brings his music to the streets, private events, and wherever he is heard.

Even those who do not see him but fill their ears with his musical notes are somehow captivated, as the cello is the instrument most similar to the human voice due to its contrasts, lows, ranges, and frequencies, he explains.

Invited by the Press Club, before his performance at the “Wine Fest Rotary,” the artist reflected on life, love, and good music with meaning and content that will never die, even in these times of reggaeton and altered music.

With studies in engineering, and as a promoter of skating and extreme sports, Hugo Leobardo chose music as his best means of expression and to help people and society.

The musical psychotherapist confirms that in the coming weeks he will release his material with popular pieces, including his own creations, on practically all digital platforms.

Hugo Leobardo carries his cello as his best ally and companion, seeking to make it known and appreciated by more people, beyond being identified with one of the cards in Mexican lottery, he comments with a huge, illuminated smile on his face.

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